If you are a resident of Middletown Twp, Hulmeville, Langhorne, Langhorne Manor and Penndel Boroughs you can join our subscription program.
Register or renew your subscription online(click here), subscribers can look up or create their account, register or renew with a
credit card, see their subscription expiration, edit their info on file, and more. Call our office at 215-757-2663 if you require assistance.
Q. Why should I become a subscriber?
A. Your subscription assures that Penndel-Middletown Emergency Squad will have the staff, vehicles and equipment required to provide around-the-clock protection for you and your family in the event of an emergency. In addition, your subscription can save you hundreds of dollars as it provides a 50% discount on any out-of-pocket expenses related to emergency ambulance service!
Q. Do I need a subscription if I have health insurance?
A. Yes. Most insurance companies do not pay 100% of total ambulance charges. Your subscription provides a 50% discount on any out-of-pocket expenses, such as co-payments and deductibles, related to medically necessary emergency ambulance service to the closest appropriate facility. Keep in mind that non-subscribers are responsible for full payment of all applicable charges, which often can exceed $1,3000 per trip.
Q. How is Penndel-Middletown Emergency Squad reimbursed if I am transported to the hospital?
A. In the event that you need ambulance service, Penndel-Middletown Emergency Squad will submit a bill to your insurance company. Insurance payments are then applied to your balance. Once all insurance payments are applied, subscribers receive a 50% discount on any remaining out-of-pocket expenses for emergency ambulance service. The subscriber discount is applied no matter how frequently you require medically necessary emergency ambulance service.
Q. What should I do if my insurance company sends me a check for payment of services provided by
Penndel-Middletown Emergency Squad?
A. Recipients of service are required to forward any and all reimbursements received to Penndel-Middletown Emergency Squad. Failure to do so will result in the termination of any subscription agreement and you will be held responsible for payment of all outstanding balances.
Q. Who is covered by a subscription?
A. Emergency medical care and transportation to a local hospital are provided to all residents of your household, whether we transport you from your home or elsewhere.
Q. I thought Penndel-Middletown Emergency Squad wrote off 100% of my co-payment and/or deductible
A. Due to rising co-payment and deductible amounts, we were faced with either substantially increasing the annual subscription rates for all subscribers or attempt to recover some revenue from subscribers who use the ambulance throughout the subscription year. We believe this is the best way to proceed as subscribers can still save hundreds of dollars through our 50% subscriber discount program.
Q. How do I subscribe?
A. Please complete the subscription application and return it to us (along with your payment), pay online(click here) or call our office at 215-757-2663. Remember to print your name if it does not appear on the card or if it is incorrect. Also, list your phone number, email address and family members who reside at your home.
All subscriptions expire on June 30th of each respective calendar year, regardless of the date when a subscription is paid.
for additional information please refer to PMES subscription terms and conditions
Penndel-Middletown Emergency Squad is registered with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a Charitable Organization
credit card, see their subscription expiration, edit their info on file, and more. Call our office at 215-757-2663 if you require assistance.
Q. Why should I become a subscriber?
A. Your subscription assures that Penndel-Middletown Emergency Squad will have the staff, vehicles and equipment required to provide around-the-clock protection for you and your family in the event of an emergency. In addition, your subscription can save you hundreds of dollars as it provides a 50% discount on any out-of-pocket expenses related to emergency ambulance service!
Q. Do I need a subscription if I have health insurance?
A. Yes. Most insurance companies do not pay 100% of total ambulance charges. Your subscription provides a 50% discount on any out-of-pocket expenses, such as co-payments and deductibles, related to medically necessary emergency ambulance service to the closest appropriate facility. Keep in mind that non-subscribers are responsible for full payment of all applicable charges, which often can exceed $1,3000 per trip.
Q. How is Penndel-Middletown Emergency Squad reimbursed if I am transported to the hospital?
A. In the event that you need ambulance service, Penndel-Middletown Emergency Squad will submit a bill to your insurance company. Insurance payments are then applied to your balance. Once all insurance payments are applied, subscribers receive a 50% discount on any remaining out-of-pocket expenses for emergency ambulance service. The subscriber discount is applied no matter how frequently you require medically necessary emergency ambulance service.
Q. What should I do if my insurance company sends me a check for payment of services provided by
Penndel-Middletown Emergency Squad?
A. Recipients of service are required to forward any and all reimbursements received to Penndel-Middletown Emergency Squad. Failure to do so will result in the termination of any subscription agreement and you will be held responsible for payment of all outstanding balances.
Q. Who is covered by a subscription?
A. Emergency medical care and transportation to a local hospital are provided to all residents of your household, whether we transport you from your home or elsewhere.
Q. I thought Penndel-Middletown Emergency Squad wrote off 100% of my co-payment and/or deductible
A. Due to rising co-payment and deductible amounts, we were faced with either substantially increasing the annual subscription rates for all subscribers or attempt to recover some revenue from subscribers who use the ambulance throughout the subscription year. We believe this is the best way to proceed as subscribers can still save hundreds of dollars through our 50% subscriber discount program.
Q. How do I subscribe?
A. Please complete the subscription application and return it to us (along with your payment), pay online(click here) or call our office at 215-757-2663. Remember to print your name if it does not appear on the card or if it is incorrect. Also, list your phone number, email address and family members who reside at your home.
All subscriptions expire on June 30th of each respective calendar year, regardless of the date when a subscription is paid.
for additional information please refer to PMES subscription terms and conditions
Penndel-Middletown Emergency Squad is registered with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a Charitable Organization